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Single Origin ou Blend ? Quelle est la différence ?

Single Origin or Blend? What is the difference ?

Single Origin ou Blend ? Quelle est la différence ?

Single Origin or Blend? What is the difference ?

In your search for the perfect coffee, you have probably already come across the terms Single Origin or Blend. The latest trend is now present in all roasters and even Starbucks has not be...

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Comparaison de l'arabica et du robusta : quelle variété remporte la course ?

Comparing Arabica and Robusta: Which Variety Wins the Race?

You've probably already seen it: On the coffee packaging, it says in large letters "100% Arabica". Often, we are unconsciously sold Arabica coffee as the “best” coffee. But where does this ...

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Café naturel ou washed - Le mode de préparation

Natural or washed coffee - Method of preparation

For many coffee drinkers, the terms natural coffee or washed coffee are still foreign words. Still, the type of processing has a big influence on the aroma and can help us choose the perfec...

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10 conseils pour utiliser ton marc de café à bon escient

10 tips for using your coffee grounds wisely

Coffee grounds contain a multitude of antioxidants that provide protection against free radicals. Free radicals are very aggressive and attack our cells. Our cellular structure can then cha...

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Les 8 plus grands mythes sur le café en question

The 8 biggest myths about coffee in question

A morning coffee is essential for most Germans - but does it do our health any good? Does coffee really make you lose weight or even harm our heart health? We check the myths about coffee f...

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Kaffee fördert deine körperliche Aktivität

Kaffee fördert deine körperliche Aktivität

A new study from March 2023 found that above-average coffee consumption increased physical activity. The study was approved by the institutional review board of the University of Californ...

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L'histoire du café

The history of coffee

We invite you to go back in time and discover the fascinating history of coffee.Who discovered it and where did the coffee bean come from?What about all the myths and legends about the orig...

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Café pendant la grossesse : est-ce que je fais du mal à mon futur enfant ?

Coffee during pregnancy: am I harming my future child?

With a positive pregnancy test, thousands of new questions suddenly arise. Many of them revolve around food, because the mother-to-be no longer eats just for herself. We answer questions ab...

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Que pense la science du café ?

What does science think about coffee?

We wondered how much coffee is actually healthy and why we wake up from our blues after a delicious cup of coffee? We clarify conflicting information and explain current scientific studies ...

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8 conseils pour un Noël durable

8 tips for a sustainable Christmas

Introduction Mountains of waste accumulate day by day during the Christmas period. Unfortunately, sustainability is often overlooked, especially at Christmas. That's why we've put together...

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