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Les 8 plus grands mythes sur le café en question

The 8 biggest myths about coffee in question

Written by: Svenja Schindler



Time to read 2 min

A morning coffee is essential for most Germans - but does it do our health any good? Does coffee really make you lose weight or even harm our heart health? We check the myths about coffee for you.

Myth #1: coffee dehydrates the body

The best known and most stubborn coffee myth:
It is supposed to deprive us of water. It is not for nothing that we are generally served a glass of water with our cup. isn't it?

That's not true! In reality, water only sensitizes our taste buds and intensifies the pleasure of coffee.
Coffee even has a positive effect on our water balance, according to the German Nutrition Society it can be added to daily fluid intake.

The reason for this myth could be the increase in the filtration function of the kidneys thanks to coffee. It has a diuretic effect, but only in the short term.
The coffee myth is therefore false!

Myth #2: Coffee makes you addicted

No. If you've ever tried to cut down on your coffee intake, you may have noticed that it's not that easy. Even mild withdrawal symptoms, like headaches, can plague you. However, we cannot speak of addiction in the classic sense of the term for coffee. This is simply a habituation effect.

This is because addictive drugs activate the addiction center in the brain, leading to increased dopamine production - a high.

In the case of coffee, the amount of dopamine released is so small that there is no intoxication.

Myth #3: Pregnant women should not drink coffee.

In reality, coffee is not completely prohibited during pregnancy. According to the German Nutrition Society, two cups of coffee per day are safe to consume.

If personal need is higher, it is recommended to switch to caffeine-free products, such as our capsules Decaf.

We decaffeinate our coffee without using chemicals and use the process Swiss Water .

Myth #4: coffee increases performance

Coffee not only relieves fatigue, it can also improve sporting and intellectual performance. It is not for nothing that athletes often resort to coffee. Coffee is considered proven to improve concentration, attention, and even mood. So the coffee myth is true.

Myth #5: Coffee discolors your teeth

We would love to tell you something else, but this coffee myth is unfortunately true. The tannins it contains can be deposited on tooth enamel and color it if consumed regularly.

There is, however, good news: if you drink your coffee with milk, the tannins bind to the milk and the effect is less pronounced.

Myth #6: Coffee causes high blood pressure and harms the heart.

Although caffeine in other drinks causes an increase in blood pressure, studies have shown that this is not the case with coffee. This is because other substances in coffee, such as chlorogenic acid, compensate for this effect.
Regular coffee consumption does not harm the heart either: a study of patients with heart disease showed that even 6 cups a day did not cause negative effects.

On the contrary: moderate consumption of 3 to 5 cups per day even has a positive effect on cardiovascular risk.

Myth #7: Espresso has more caffeine than coffee

When we are particularly tired and want to get back into shape quickly, we happily turn to espresso. After all, it has a lot more caffeine than coffee, right?

This is not entirely true: in the same quantity, espresso actually has a little more caffeine, but considering that a cup of espresso is much smaller, it ultimately contains even less caffeine.

Myth #8: Coffee stimulates fat burning

Coffee is supposed to stimulate the metabolism and thus accelerate fat burning. The reason is the chlorogenic acid it contains, it inhibits the absorption of fats and sugars.

But unfortunately, the concentrations are so low that no effects can be confirmed.
The coffee myth is unfortunately false.